List operators

Lists are usefull when combined with specific Operators:

  • contains any of: Checks if any of the list elements are present in the string.
    • "elem" contains any of ["el", "abc"] is true because "elem" contains "el"
    • "elem" contains any of ["element", "abc"] is false because "el" doesn't contain "elemn" or "abc"
  • does not contain any of: Checks if none of the list elements are present in the string.
    • returns the opposite of the above evaluation
  • is in: Checks if the specified element is present in the list.
    • "elem" is in ["element", "abc"] is false because "elem" is not an element of the list
    • "elem" contains any of ["elem", "abc"] is true because "elem" is an element of the list
  • not in: Checks if the specified element is not present in the list.
    • returns the opposite of the above evaluation
OperatorLeft operandRight operand
contains any ofstringList of strings
does not contain any ofstringList of strings
is instringList of strings
not instringList of strings


Case sensitivity

The contains any of, does not contain any of operators are not case sensitive, while the is in and not in operators are case sensitive.


  1. Check if a value is in a list

Check name is in EDES database