Create fields in a table

How to edit the fields in a table. Detail of the available options.

You begin editing a new field in the table by clicking the "Create a new field" button on the table menu.

Entry point to create a new field

Entry point to create a new field

You are invited to choose values for the following inputs:

Namealphanumeric + "_"Unique per table. Case sensitive
Descriptionfree textDescription for the scenario builders
Requiredtrue / falseDo you want to allow ingestion of objects where this value is missing
Typestring / boolean / timestamp / numberSelect one of the four values
Is an enumerated valuetrue / falseDo you want to keep track of distinct values seen (for contextual help in the rule builder). Incompatible with "unique". Only available for string and number type fields.
Is uniquetrue / falseIs the field unique, i.e. can there be only of row (one object_id for every distinct value of this field). Only available for string and number type fields.

Empty field creation modale

Empty field creation modale

Filled field creation modale

Filled field creation modale

Once you're done editing your table, you should be left with something like the following

Filled table (table view)

Filled table (table view)

Filled table (schema view)

Filled table (schema view)

At this point, your entity is ready and you can develop a first scenario for decisions on it - though you may want to define linked tables first (more on this in the following).