Timestamp comparison


Timestamps represent the absolute position in time of two events. They can be compared to check if a timestamp is equal to another, greater (or equal) than another, or lesser (or equal) than another.

Concretely, timestamp comparison operations involve using the usual comparison operators (like <, >) to determine the relationship between two values. For example:

  • timestamp_1 < timestamp_2 : True if timestamp_1 is before timestamp_2.
  • timestamp_1 > timestamp_2 : True if timestamp_1 is after timestamp_2.

Valid conditions must evaluate to true or false, so you cannot add or subtract timestamp values (timestamp_1 - timestamp_2 is not valid), though you can use the date function to shift a timestamp by a duration.


  1. Check if updated_at falls within the past 7 days
updated_at is

updated_at falls within the past 7 days