
Compute a date


Despite its name, the Date function operates on, and returns, timestamps. It is used to shift timestamps by an interval of seconds, minutes, hours or days, to the past or the future.

The Date function comprises several essential components:

  • Date: The reference point upon which the function operates. It can either be a static date or a dynamic one, such as Now).
  • Operation: It involves either adding or subtracting a specific period of time.


Date Comparison Operations

Date comparison operations involve using comparison operators (like <, >) to determine the relationship between two dates. For example:

  • date1 < date2: True if date1 is before date2.
  • date1 > date2: True if date1 is after date2.

These operations help in determining the relative order of dates.


Let's say we aim to verify whether the transaction date falls within the past 7 days.

  1. Select the Function: Choose the "Date" function to compute the date from 7 days ago.

    Select the Date function in operand picker

    Select the Date function in operand picker

  2. Create the date: Use the dedicated modal to compute the date, using the Now function as the reference point

    Select the now reference and substract 7 days

    Select the now reference and substract 7 days

  3. Save and View: After saving, the date will be displayed in the builder

    Compare the transaction date to computed date

    Compare the transaction date to computed date