
Access data within the scenario execution context.


Each field exposes a data value with a type derived from the data model.

These fields are dynamically generated by exploring the data model. Starting from the trigger object table, the system analyzes the structure of tables, using their fields and links between them. This process enables the system to present a comprehensive list of fields that can be utilized within the context of the Scenario.


We use a simple data model

Data model schema used in this example

Data model schema used in this example

The operand picker present three fields section:

Example of available fields

Example of available fields

  1. Fields of the transaction: These correspond to the fields of the object triggering the scenario execution.
  2. Fields of the transaction emmiter: These correspond to the fields of the account associated with the transaction emitter.
  3. Fields of the transaction emmiter company: These correspond to the fields of the company associated with the account corresponding to the transaction emitter.

See data model links for guidance on why those fields are listed.