
Suspend the process until a manual review is completed to either approve or decline the decision.

Marble is a generalist decision engine, that can be adapted to serve different business use cases: synchronous authorization of opérations, asynchronous review of accounts following events on the account, periodic account reviews, etc.

Blocking review of a payment after a block_and_review outcome in a decision

Asynchronous or blocking review of a payment, according to the decision outcome

In some use cases, such as the blocking review of bank transfers, operators of the decision engine may want to manually review a decision in the case manager, before triggering a side effect in their systems (e.g. canceling or unblocking a pending bank transfer).

Possible use cases include:

  • blocking outgoing payments until background checks have been performed, e.g. sanctions checks
  • putting incoming payments on hold before releasing funds, pending investigation
  • locking user accounts for a period of time, following trigger events

or any other workflow that requires the automatic status update of entities on the customer side following a decision in the Marble case manager.

The following page focuses on how to set up and use a scenario with a blocking review step, using the Marble case manager.